Saturday, June 6, 2009

Remembering D-day

65 years ago thousands of men, many of whom were younger than I am now, set out on the largest invasion ever attempted in human history. It was an enormous gamble and hundreds lost their lives.

The gamble paid off.

But before we can remember the events of D-Day, it's important to remember the events that took place before hand. To remember the Dieppe raid. If not for the lessons learned by that ill-fated raid, the Normandy invasion may not have succeeded the way it did. Many men, most of which were Canadian, lost their lives in Dieppe.

Today, all over the globe, we celebrate the beginning of the end of the second world war. If not for the foothold these brave men made on the France coast the war would have surely continued for many more years, possibly with Nazi victory.

Never forget the cost for our freedom that we so often take for granted. Remember the lives lost, then and now.

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