Sunday, March 22, 2009

Hello and welcome to my blog.

So here we are. The beginning of my blog. Why blog? Why not. If any one cares to read this, then great. If not, oh well. This is for me.

Where to begin. Well, if you've you've read my "about me" section you know I have a wife named Shawna and a daughter named Isabelle. I love both very much. My wife and I run a photography studio called Angelic Arts Photography. It's more of a part time business right now but we're getting busier.

Isabelle is such a ham. She'll be two next month which only makes me feel older. She's already going through the terrible twos. Actually she started them when she was less than one. Yes, that's right. They can start the terrible twos before they turn two. But I still love her. She's very smart and has no fear. She started walking at a very early age and every doctor that saw her said she was very advanced. She gets that from her mother.

What can I say about myself. I'll be 30 in May. I have a day job but I'm not saying where it is because I'm not particularly fond of it and may at times bad mouth it and my employees.

I'm currently watching Twilight for the second time this weekend with my wife. She, like many others, loves this series. She's read all the books I don't know how many times. I'm going to read the first book, eventually. I just haven't had the patients to sit down and read anything.

I'm also writing a novel with an idea for two more in my head.

Want to know what it's about? To bad. I'm not telling. Not until they're done will anyone other than my wife know what they're about. God willing I'll make some money off them.

Well, That's it for now.

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